Tuesday, November 27, 2007

eBay din Romania - feedback matters

In situatia in care va ganditi sa abordati o piata globala prin eBay si sunteti o antrepenoare/ antrepenor roman aici puteti gasi cateva reguli, cu titlul de recomandari despre cum sa procedati.

If you find yourself in the situation of being a Romanian entrepeneur and would like to take up a global market you may be thrilled to find enclosed a few rules, more likely recommendations on how to proceed.

Sa incepem cu eBay si ce oportunitati ofera. eBay ofera beneficiul major ca nu tine cont de frontiere. Prin eBay poti tranzactiona (achizitiona sau vinde bunuri) cu un corespondent - ebay user - din USA, Hawaii, Hong Kong sau Tokyo. Trebuie insa mentionat de la inceput ca reputatia este ceea ce conteaza cel mai mult. Daca ai reputatie sau feedback 100% pozitiv atunci esti pe calea cea buna. Pe de alta parte daca ai incercat sa "tepuiesti" sistemul s-ar putea sa fie singura incercare.

Let`s start with eBay and what are the opportunities it provides. eBay offers the major benefit of not restricting it`s activity to a geographical area. Using eBay you can trade (buy or sell goods) with a corespondent - eBay user - from the US, Hawaii, Hong Kong or even Tokyo. It must be made crystal clear straight from the beginning that reputation matters the most. If you have 100% positive feedback then you are on the right track. If you try and "fool" the system it might be your last try.

Solutia este urmatoarea pentru a va asigura reusita demersului prin eBay: oferiti intotdeauna spre vanzare doar ceea ce puteti livra, comunicati cu seller-ul sau cumparatorul, nu licitati aiurea, nu trageti de timp si mai ales nu incercati sa evitati raspunsurile la eventuale intrebari din partea celor interesati.

To ensure you become a winner on eBay you need to make sure: you always offer only what you can deliver, communicate with your buyer/ seller, don`t bid irresponsible, don`t delay and under any circumstance don`t avoid answers you need to give to bidders questions.

...to be continued

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