Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Implementarea pe a platii cu cardul

Astazi am avut o discutie cu echipa interesanta a celor de la Craciun.Market cu privire la plata cu cardul online. Sigur, este un domeniu care are riscurile sale insa este din ce in ce mai necesar. Au crescut si apare astfel necesitatea implementarii unui procesator de plati cu cardul pentru sezonul ce urmeaza sa inceapa. Exista variante diferite de a aborda aceasta necesitate si prima dintre ele este de a integra platile prin intermediul facturarii si exista solutii in acest sens sau exista solutia implementarii unui procesator prin integrare directa. Decizia va fi luata de echipa lor pentru ca au 2 categorii mari pentru a sezonul de craciun 2019: Brazi artificiali si Accesorii de Craciun Speram ca le putem fi de ajutor si pe viitor prin consultanta de specialitate cu privire la procesarea platilor prin card.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Paypers - despre plati online

The Paypers Reprezinta o sursa independenta de stiri si analize de catre si pentru profesionisti din comunitatea de epayment internationala.

Produsele si serviciile acestora sunt create pentru a acoperi dezvoltarile semnificative din domeniul platilor folosind cardul cu orientare speciala catre

* plati online
* online banking
* plati de pe telefonul mobil
* facturari electronice precum
si Zona Unica Euro.

Suna bine si pare o initiative interesanta. Pot fi gasiti si pe twitter.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pot plati online? Da - ba nu, stati sa vedeti ca...?!

Haideti sa schimbam putin topicul blogului.

Pana acum a fost gandit drept ceva pur informativ insa desi
sunt urmarite subiectele interactivitatea este putina.

De aceea, imi propun sa ma adresez in special cititorilor din Romania
abordand teme locale.

Care sunt bancile pe care le recomand, calitatea in baza careia le recomand, ce probleme intalnesc si cum pot fi rezolvate.

Cea mai recenta este de ieri. Un domn m-a rugat sa il ajut sa efectueze o plata de
250 EUR pe un site strain. Omul nostru a fost la banca proprie si anume Carpatica
si a fost sfatuit sa faca un exchange.

Practic banca l-a determinat sa schimbe cei 250 EUR in RON. Echivalentul in RON
a fost depus in contul aferent unui Mastercard debit.
Buun! Omul nostru a intrebat reprezentantul bancii pot folosi acest card pt a plati
un bun pe care intentionez sa il achizitionez de pe siteul acesta [...]?" Sigur, normal ca

Ca sa ajunga la ora 1 noaptea in urma unui proces complex de signup sa ii fie refuzata tranzactia de catre siteul respectiv.

Mentionez ca e vorba despre un site destul de cunoscut iar problema era legata de cardul folosit. Anume cardul nu este activat pentru tranzactii online. De aici drama. Du-te schimba banii, depune-i in cont, nu poti folosi cardul respectiv pt ce iti trebuie, scoate banii, depune-i in alt cont si in final faci plata de acolo.
Este vorba de timp pierdut, de nervi consumati si de energie irosita. Si de ce?

Pentru ca unii agenti nu au know how, unele banci nu investesc in training si efectiv mentin oameni cu putina competenta cand vine vorba de operatiuni mai complexe.
Ati patit ceva similar? Aveti o poveste de spus? Haideti sa haidem, poate schimbam ceva in modul in care suntem vazuti in calitate de client!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tools forex trading

One of the News tools I was using back when trading. It represents the economic calendar with to the point insight on what moves on the Forex Market.

If you are interested in the GDP moves for one specific country it can be found on that or any moves in the interest rates both past and estimated.

Another tool that I was combining was the news feed. This is mainly useful when there are factors such as tornado`s approaching the Gulf of Mexico. That usually affects speculation on the USD due to its threat on the oil prices.

That is about enough to track news. Have a happy Non Farm Payrolls Friday when it comes around, this month is past already.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

what epayment usernames to follow on Twitter?

I could put up a list of twitter accounts worth to follow when it comes to e-payment.
It`s the ones related to PayPal developer central and Ukash by

There should be a post following soon on this. At the same time I`m thinking of hooking up a blog for more fun stuff. This was initially meant to be a professionals alone site, I get a lot of visits worldwide but the information herein is consultative.

Here are the twitter users to follow for ePayment news:
* PayWithUkash
* ukashbusiness
* PayPalx

Ukash has a very aggressive marketing policy for expanding their payment method worldwide. They became active in 26 countries according to the 11-06-2009 Newsletter to Merchants:
"Whether it’s in-store at one of 300,000+ global locations, from online wallets/bank accounts or via ATMs/kiosks, Ukash is now available in 26 countries:

UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Cyprus, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Uruguay.

Did anyone get a $1 charge from PayPal

I just saw a $1 charge on my statement coming from PayPal. Now I don`t know if there`s something I did wrong or it happened to others as well.

Can someone please answer this for me? Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where do I get the PayPal Expuse Code from? There must be a reason why this post rates number 1 in Google searches - it`s because it`s the right one

Where do I get the PayPal Expuse Code from?

Well that is simple as switching the kitchen lights on or off.
All you need to do is identify what bank has issued the respective Credit or Debit card
that you had just used. The $1 or EUR 1 charge is reflected withing a couple of days
on your online statement.

Simple enough so far. However there are still Cardholders or owners of
credit cards that don`t have online banking. For that event what you
would need to do is go to the bank and ask the bank teller to look for that charge.

The charge should be like mentioned above of a small amount and it would
necessarily have EXPUSE next to it and a 4 digit number such as 1022.
Please don`t use 1022 as an Expuse code to PayPal as this number is just an example.

Then with the 4 digit code log in to your PayPal Account and put it in there. That should
add the respective Card to your PayPal Account as an authorized Card.

Hope this helps better.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is the time back to do Forex trading?

For quite a while now, looking back I would say 1 year the Forex currency market has been in turbulence. It`s not the case for everyone to have made fortunes in this specific timeframe.

One thing I can say for sure is not even dealers/traders at confirmed trading platform providers, 2 of the biggest names have been making trades. Meaning from an average of 3-4 trades per day suggested in August 2008 down to 2-2 per week in December of 2008 and complete no suggestions for couple of weeks during January.

That is because the market did not allow for it. So unless you were a hedge fund or something similar in size you had to stay out. Any move could have swiped your Account.

But what happens now? I say that since interest for the USD has remained unchanged the crisis is just bottoming up. I don`t plan on being just another analyst therefore I`ll say no more.

One book that I would highly recommend though is Millionaire Traders by Boris Schlossberg and Kathy Lien.

That book provides the guidelines for when to go for it and when to stay out of it. It contains interviews with significant traders that turned few digits Accounts into 6 zero`s Accounts. In order to do so you need practice, disciplin and not look at the money as what it is but as means of a game.

Good luck and make sure you do the homework well before launching into trades. Most Accounts do not make it to 3 months and that is an average that should say how serious you need to be when starting it in the first place.